February 8, 2025

Common Wealth Geography

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Big Spenders: Mike Trout, Shohei Ohtani, and Steph Curry Go All In on Tiger Woods’ $99,000,000 TMRW Sports

Mike Trout is not only among the best players of his generation but one of the best baseball players of all time. A three-time MVP and 11-time All-Star, Trout has excelled in every aspect of the field, staking his claim as an all-time great.

“With a career WAR of 76.1 at 30 years old, Mike Trout has a 98.0% chance of making the Hall of Fame — October 20, 2021 #TheHobby” – @thehobbyai

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Although Trout has been an incredible talent on the field, his life off of the field has been equally impressive. A devoted family man who uses the wealth that he has accumulated during his career with the Los Angeles Angels for many philanthropic purposes.

However, the captain of Team USA during the 2023 World Baseball Classic has also grown his impressive wealth from ventures outside of baseball. One of those ventures came in the form of his investment in Tiger Woods’ sports and entertainment company, TMRW Sports.

TMRW Sports was founded by Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy, as well as Mike McCarley, who is the current CEO of the company and a former NBC Sports executive. According to the company’s website, its mission objective revolves around “harnessing technology to build progressive approaches in sports, media, and entertainment.”

“The innovative approach @TMRWSports is taking to deliver sports and entertainment through new technology is going to change the way fans interact with their favorite sports – so I couldn’t be more excited to announce that I’m joining the team as an investor.” – @MikeTrout

In April of last year, Mike Trout happily announced that he had joined a growing list of celebrity investors in Tiger Woods’ company. It remains to be seen how much of the company Trout now owns or what percentage of profits he will receive.

Mike Trout is one of many celebrities to invest in TMRW Sports

Mike Trout is not the only member (potentially former) of the Los Angeles Angels to invest in TMRW Sports, as Shohei Ohtani has also invested in the company founded by the golfing icons. Aside from Trout and Ohtani, other celebrities who have invested in the company include Steph Curry, Kevin Durant, and Justin Bieber.

“The sixth and final team owner in @TGL indoor #golf league kicking off primetime play in a couple months? That would be @TigerWoods, with his Jupiter Links GC.” – @ematuszewski

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