February 7, 2025

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EA FC 24: Unleash Black Friday Flash Challenge SBC

The first Black Friday Flash Challenge SBC is now live, bringing an exciting opportunity for all EA FC 24 players. Unlike typical resource-item challenges, Flash variants appear only during the Black Friday period and tend to end quickly. The first challenge will be available for an hour. Hence, players must be quick to complete the SBC and obtain the reward. The main task is to estimate the possible costs and determine the easiest way to complete the task. This will allow players to complete the SBC for cheap and get useful packs in return. Let’s analyze the tasks of the Black Friday Flash Challenge SBC in EA FC 24.

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EA FC 24 Black Friday Flash Challenge SBC 1 tasks and conditions

Like typical Flash Challenges released in previous FIFA video games, the conditions are pretty simple. There’s only one task, and all players will be able to complete it pretty easily. Moreover, this is the perfect opportunity to cycle the fodder for something useful in return.

Task – Black Friday Flash Challenge SBC 1

  • Nationalities: Min 3
  • Leagues: Max 4
  • Same Club Count: Max 4
  • Gold Players: Min 6
  • Player Level: Min Silver
  • Squad Total Chemistry Points: Min 27
  • # of players in the Squad: 11

The first challenge will cost about 5,500 coins if you get all the fodder from the market. However, you can reduce the completion cost by using items from your Ultimate Team collection.

Moreover, you can always grind different EA FC 24 packs via the game modes. This will also allow you to reduce the completion cost and save coins. After completing the first challenge, you’ll get one Untradeable Small Rare Gold Players pack. It could provide some useful items in exchange for cards that have no use.

Task – Black Friday Flash Challenge SBC 2

  • Leagues: Min 4
  • Clubs Count: Min 5
  • Same Nation Count: Min 3
  • Gold Players: Min 8
  • Squad Total Chemistry Points: Min 23
  • # of players in the Squad: 11

The second Flash Challenge will cost about 6,800 coins, and offers a Rare Gold Pack in return.

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