February 8, 2025

Common Wealth Geography

Exploring the World

Get the Scoop on Phoenix Suns Guard’s Potential Comeback and other Updates

Phoenix Suns guard Bradley Beal is closing in on a return to the lineup soon. Beal has only played three games this season and has missed a total of 12 games since then due to a back injury. Before he made his debut for the Suns, the three-time All-Star missed the first seven games of the season.

The Suns are hopeful that their Big Three can all be healthy and play the rest of the season together. Both Kevin Durant and Devin Booker have stayed healthy for the most part, and Beal is the only missing piece to the lineup.

According to Shams Charania of The Athletic, the one-time All-NBA star is targeting his return to basketball on Tuesday against the Golden State Warriors.

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