February 7, 2025

Common Wealth Geography

Exploring the World

NBA 2023 In-Season Tournament Quarter-Finals: Schedule, Dates, and Times

After the Sacramento Kings’ nail-biting win over the Golden State Warriors, the NBA In-Season Tournament quarter-finals are set. Joining the Kings in the knockout stage are the Boston Celtics, Indiana Pacers, New Orleans Pelicans, Milwaukee Bucks and LA Lakers. The winners of the next phase will proceed to the semi-finals. After initial resistance, the teams and the fans have come to relish the high-stakes games even if it’s November and December.

On Dec. 4, the Boston Celtics will travel to Gainbridge Fieldhouse to take on the Indiana Pacers and open the quarter-final stage. A few hours later, the New Orleans Pelicans will visit Golden 1 Center to battle the Sacramento Kings.

On Dec. 5, the second set of quarter-final matches will unfold. The New York Knicks will be at Fiserv Forum to try and beat the Milwaukee Bucks. A mouthwatering matchup between the Phoenix Suns and the LA Lakers will soon follow.

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