February 8, 2025

Common Wealth Geography

Exploring the World

The Future Destination of Michigan’s Running Back in 2024

Senior running back Blake Corum has been a force for the Michigan Wolverines this season. He is eligible for the 2024 NFL draft, and it will be interesting to see if he does decide to officially declare as he has another year of eligibility thanks to the COVID-19 free year of eligibility.

Corum has been doing phenomenal this season, as he has 152 rushing attempts for 794 yards (5.2 yards per carry) and 18 rushing touchdowns. With 51 total touchdowns (49 rushing, two receiving) over his four-year collegiate career, he has proven to be a huge cog in the Wolverines’ offensive system.

If Blake Corum does decide to declare for the 2024 NFL draft after the season, where would he be taken, and what teams will look at him as a potential pick?

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