FTW Champion Hook has just spoiled the return of a certain world-renowned star. He would take the victory in his first singles match in around three months. The name in question is NJPW star Rocky Romero.
Romero last appeared on the Jacksonville-based promotion when he participated in a two out of three falls match on an episode of Rampage last month, as he faced former WWE Superstar Mistico. Despite putting up a great fight, he would lose the long game, losing two pinfalls to one.
Tonight, the CHAOS member was looking for retribution following his loss the last time he was in AEW. He was taking on Hook with great momentum. This would be his first singles contest since All In when he took on Jack Perry and successfully regained his FTW Championship.
Despite great offense coming from Romero, The Cold-Hearted Handsome Devil was the one who came out victorious, as he was able to lock in his Redrum hold, which would force Rocky Romero to tap out.
Since All In, no single AEW star has made a legitimate challenge for Hook’s FTW Championship, and it will be interesting to see if a challenger pops up before the year ends.
Who would you want to see him face for the title next? Let us know in the comments section below.
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