February 8, 2025

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Former Panthers Icon Cam Newton Gauges NFL Interest Amid Quarterback Injuries

It’s been about two years since Cam Newton was called about playing in the NFL again. The former Carolina Panthers standout has been tossed around by fans as a short-term replacement idea, but he remains a free agent. He hasn’t retired officially, so a return would be simple. He just needs a team to express some interest.

With quarterback injuries rampant and occurring to contending teams, the former MVP makes some sense as a potential short-term option to salvage the season. Despite inactivity over the last two seasons, Newton has expressed interest in returning.

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Newton said to Dan Patrick:

“A lot of interest, but no [I didn’t reach out]. I know it doesn’t matter how many times you call. If they don’t want you, they’re not going to pick up. At the end of the day, I’ve known the NFL to do and be very intentional.”

Patrick got straight to the point, asking why the 34-year-old Newton isn’t playing anymore. He said:

“I don’t know. Mr. Daniel, your guess is as best as mine. I’m really locked in and focused on the things that I can control.”

Patrick then asked if he was “too big of a personality” for some teams, something many believe has played a role in the former New England Patriots star’s inability to even be a backup. Newton said it was possible, pondering how teams would tell starters that a boisterous former MVP was signing on to be his backup.

It appears that Cam Newton would like to come back, and there are potential openings with several injured QBs. Unfortunately, the teams don’t seem to have the same interest he does.

NFL QB injuries: Every quarterback out with season-ending surgery in 2023

For some teams, a quarterback injury would completely derail the season. This was thought to be the case for the New York Jets, which first began the conversation around Cam Newton’s hypothetical return.

Could Cam Newton replace an injured QB?

Right now, quite a few teams have suffered these injuries and could theoretically use a stopgap solution. The following QBs are done for the year:

  • Joe Burrow, Cincinnati Bengals
  • Kirk Cousins, Minnesota Vikings
  • Deshaun Watson, Cleveland Browns
  • Daniel Jones, New York Giants
  • Anthony Richardson, Indianapolis Colts

Aaron Rodgers is targeting an incomprehensible return in December from an Achilles tear, but it remains to be seen if he will or will not be healthy enough to actually play.

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