February 8, 2025

Common Wealth Geography

Exploring the World

Star Athletes Tom Brady and Erin Andrews Rub Shoulders with Fox Sports Colleagues at Exclusive Beverly Hills Dinner

Tom Brady is preparing for his future job at FOX Sports by getting acquainted with his future co-workers. The seven-time Super Bowl champion was seen arriving at FUNKE restaurant in Beverly Hills for dinner on Monday night.

FOX Sports sideline reporter Erin Andrews also walked into the restaurant. As did other FOX Sports colleagues, including Kevin Burkhardt, who could potentially be his broadcast partner in the booth next season.

pollOptions.innerHTML = pollOptionsDom; pollCount.innerHTML = totalVotes + ‘ votes’; if (totalVotes > 10) pollCount.classList.remove(“hidden”); } function trackBetsTodayPollImpression() { var intersectionObserverForArticlePoll = new IntersectionObserver( function(entries) entries.forEach(function(entry) !entry.isIntersecting else

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