March 11, 2025

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Unprecedented Becky Lynch Update: Potential Game-Changer for WWE SmackDown and Survivor Series

A possible spoiler has been revealed ahead of tonight’s episode of SmackDown, and it could impact the card for WWE Survivor Series 2023.

Becky Lynch is not currently scheduled for a match at the premium live event later this month. The Man recently captured the NXT Women’s Championship for the first time in her career before dropping it to Lyra Valkyria on the October 24 episode of NXT. She made an appearance on Celebrity Jeopardy last night, and hilariously failed to provide a single correct answer through 60 clues.

It was reported last week by PW Insider that Becky Lynch could be added to a WarGames match against Damage CTRL at WWE Survivor Series. Fightful Select has confirmed that they have been hearing the same thing in a new report. Fightful’s report added that the match could be revealed as soon as tonight’s episode of SmackDown in Evansville, Indiana.

Damage CTRL has added Kairi Sane and Asuka to the faction in recent weeks. It will be interesting to see how the storyline progresses leading up to WWE Survivor Series on November 25 in Chicago.

Did you enjoy Becky Lynch’s reign as NXT Women’s Champion? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

BREAKING: The Undertaker comments on the dream match with Sting right here.

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