March 9, 2025

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WWE Superstar’s Heartbreaking Injury: Leg Paralyzed at 15%

A WWE star is dealing with a major obstacle and has been doing so for most of his career, as he confessed during an interview recently.

Braun Strowman has been absent from the WWE ring for some time now, thanks to a major injury. He suffered a neck injury and has not competed in WWE since May. He had to go through level-one fusion surgery on his C4 and C5 vertebrae back in June. Strowman has not yet returned since then. While he had positive news earlier in November, it might be a while before he returns to action.

In a recent interview with News18, The Monster Among Men reminded fans that he’s been dealing with a paralyzed left leg for not only now but for most of his career. Having suffered his neck injury, the star said that he had to be a little more careful than before. However, he was not going to make excuses and do what he had to.

“I’ll be a little more cautious thinking because now that I have some hardware and stuff like that. But at the end of the day, I don’t know, I’m crazy. I’ve worked around the injuries. As I said earlier, my left leg is 15% paralyzed and it has been my entire career. I don’t make excuses. I get it done. So we’re going to get it done.”

Braun Strowman also spoke to Sportskeeda about a match against Randy Orton in WWE

With Randy Orton also returning from injury recently, Strowman confessed that he wanted a match with Orton as well.

“I’m excited for myself to get back and get back in the mix of things because Randy’s always been one that I wanted to have a good singles match with, whether he wants to or not. No one really wants to wrestle me. Let’s be for real!” [2:45 – 2:57]

While there’s no telling what would happen if The Monster Among Men and The Viper mix it up in a WWE match, a future feud between the two might be something fans have to look forward to.

Braun Strowman reveals the greatest talker in history here

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