February 5, 2025

Common Wealth Geography

Exploring the World

Dolphins vs Jets: The Complete Guide to Week 12

The approaching Thanksgiving holiday brings with it extra football, as NFL fans are already aware. The league has introduced a unique twist this year as it prepares to hold its inaugural game on Black Friday.

The New York Jets and Miami Dolphins square off in a historic AFC East matchup at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey, for the first Black Friday NFL game.

Black Friday has always been a notable date for college football games. While Black Friday football games are far from new for college football fans, this is the first time an NFL game will take place on the day.

pollOptions.innerHTML = pollOptionsDom;
pollCount.innerHTML = totalVotes + ‘ votes’;
if (totalVotes > 10)

function trackBetsTodayPollImpression() {
var intersectionObserverForArticlePoll = new IntersectionObserver(
entries.forEach(function(entry) !entry.isIntersecting else

function sendRating()
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“post_id”: 1753938,
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if (ratingValue > 3)
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pureJSAjaxPost(addratingAPI, requestPayload, onsaveRatingSuccess, onsaveRatingFail, function() , true);

function resetRatingAndFeedbackForm()
var activeStars = Array.from($all(‘.rating span.rating-star.active’));
for (var i=0; i = 0)
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return false;

function getRatingCountByPostId(postId) {
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getRatingCountBaseURL + postId + ‘/rating/count’,
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reject(“Failed to fetch rating count for the post:” + postId);
catch (err)
reject(“Failed to fetch rating count for the post:” + postId);

reject(“Failed to fetch rating count for the post:” + postId);
, true);
function showErrorMessage(messageType)
var messageContainerId = ‘#’ + messageType + ‘-error’;
window.setInterval(function ()
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if (callFired) return;
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if (!isPostRatedByUser())
if (ratingCount >= 0)
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return false;

return false;
