February 23, 2025

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MLB’s Spring Breakout: A Spotlight on the League’s Top Prospects

The MLB continues to receive changes and evolve. This upcoming spring training will see the introduction of Spring Breakout. The new event will be a way for the league and its teams to showcase their best and brightest prospects during Spring Training.

“This spring, the best prospects from every MLB team

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Spring Breakout is scheduled to take place from March 14-17

According to MLB insider Jeff Passan, the event will include all 30 teams during Spring Training.

“All 30 teams’ top prospects will go head-to-head in @MLB’s inaugural Spring Breakout showcase in March.” – @MLBPipeline

Fans attending the games will have the chance to participate in autograph sessions, as well as other events that will allow fans to meet the players.

The Spring Breakout event will also benefit the young prospects themselves

The Spring Training event will give these top minor league prospects an opportunity to ply their trade on their team’s official big league ballparks.

Jeff Passan also shared that the teams were open to the idea for a number of reasons.

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